Pak Army jobs 2021 in Lahore ASC POL Depot | latest Advertisement

Pak Army jobs 2021 in Lahore ASC POL Depot

Education: _____________Matric ,, Middle

Published date: _______ 18 jun, 2021

Last date :_____________ 03 july, 2021


Pak Army jobs 2021 in Lahore ASC POL Depot Vacancies available. Educated people need to tab this page to apply in Pakistan Army. The job has been announced and applicants for the position of Welder and Fireman have been invited.

All posts will be filled on a permanent basis as in general, all jobs in the departments related to the Pakistan Army are on a permanent basis. Both civilians and retired army officers can apply, but there are certain requirements that must be met, such as citizens who want to apply for these positions must have a middle pass.

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Vacant Positions with Pay Scales:

v  Welder (BPS__03)

v  Fireman (BPS__02)

For more information about this job and address are given in the following Image. Please see this picture before applying.

Pak Army jobs 2021 in Lahore ASC POL Depot

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Pak Army jobs 2021 in Lahore ASC POL Depot | latest Advertisement
Pak Army jobs 2021 in Lahore ASC POL Depot | latest Advertisement